

You have questions, we have (some) answers. The call to action is for Utah school districts and leaders to center community input in decisions about ARP ESSER spending. It’s important that everyone’s voice is present and accounted for.

Take Action

The resources below are tools for parents, families, community leaders, and organizations to use as we look to Raise Up community input in ESSER planning and implementation through September 2023.

Are you the parent, guardian, or relative
of a student in Utah’s public schools?

Then you are the expert on your child(ren)’s needs and a key part of their success,
and we want to share resources and tools to elevate your input.

The following information is for you…
  • Facts and figures about ESSER funding for the state and districts such as Davis, Granite, Ogden, Park City, and Salt Lake City
  • E-mails you can send to your school and district leaders advocating for the change you want to see with ESSER funding through September 2023
  • A guide to how to find your board members and board meetings and how to make a public comment


Parent Advocacy Toolkit
A Guide to Your School District Board Meetings & Members

Facts & Figures

General ARP ESSER Facts & Figures
Ogden School District ARP ESSER Facts & Figures
Davis School District ARP ESSER Facts & Figures
Granite School District, 2021-22 School Year Infographics
Ogden School District, 2021-22 School Year Infographics
Salt Lake City School District, 2021-22 School Year Infographics
Granite School District ARP ESSER Facts & Figures
Park City School District ARP ESSER Facts & Figures
Salt Lake City School District ARP ESSER Facts & Figures

Email Templates

Email Sample To Email Your School
Email Sample To Email Your District
Email Sample To Email Your District for CBOs

Take Action
If you do not understand this information, you have a right to pose questions or concerns to schools and district leaders to help you learn more.

Are you a community-based organization (CBO)
interested in partnering with your local
school district to serve more students
using federal funding?

CBOs are important partners for schools and families as we seek to accelerate
learning and recovery. Federal and state leaders recognize this and have made
community-based organizations (CBOs) eligible to receive funding.

Here’s How To Apply

+ Find out how much your district will receive in ESSER funding

To view your district’s award amount, visit the Data section.

+ Identify your district’s priorities and goals for ESSER funding

Your district was required to submit an application and plan to the Utah State Board of Education outlining how they plan to use this funding. The full plan should be available on the district website (try searching “ESSER” or “ARP”), and many are available on the state website here

Learn more about identifying your district’s priorities with this one-pager – available in English and Spanish.

+ Align your proposal to district priorities and submitting it to district leaders

Now that you know what the district’s priorities and goals are for ESSER funding, you’ll want to draft a formal proposal. Start here with this proposal template – available in English and Spanish – and outline specifics about your program. 

Once your proposal is final, share it broadly with district leaders including the superintendent, school board of trustees, principals, and chief instructional or academic officers.

+ Plan a follow-up meeting

After submitting a proposal, follow up with your district to align on the next steps. Generally, districts have until September 2023 to allocate funds, so it is important to keep the conversation going. To prepare for that meeting, download talking points here – available in English and Spanish.


Download the Full

ESSER in Action


Charleston, SC

Wings for Kids teaches students social-emotional skills like self-awareness and communication.


Prince George’s County, MD

Joe’s Movement Emporium provides students with movement-based learning, to bring additional enrichment and engagement for students, as well as new types of professional development for school-day staff.


Tulsa, OK

Tulsa Public Schools is working in partnerships with Tulsa’s Opportunity Project, a nonprofit that collaborates with area nonprofits, faith-based groups, government agencies, and others to provide accessible youth activities year-round, including summer programming.

Take Action

You can learn about your district’s initial ARP ESSER spending priorities by visiting this State Department of Education website. To learn more about how your district has spent its ESSER funds to date, find your district in the interactive map below.

Program Funding

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Help us spread the word!

about the opportunity to support students on a path to academic and
social-emotional recovery and success with ARP ESSER funding.
You can start by sharing these graphics and videos with your neighbors
through a text message, social media post, or e-mail. Be sure to
include a link to this website with it.

Sharable Social Media Graphics

Sharable Videos

If you do not understand this information, you have a right to pose questions or concerns to schools and district leaders to help you learn more.
Take Action